Is your church looking for a roof? Consider lifetime metal roofing.

January 31, 2014 | Filed under: Church roofing,Metal Roofing

Is your church looking to replace their roof? Do you know a church in the market for a roof replacement or repair? If so, ask them to consider a lifetime metal roof from Schroer & Sons.

There are several options to consider when replacing your church’s roof. The most common types are asphalt, standing seam, and metal. Consider the following when repairing or replacing your church roof:

  1. Longevity. Asphalt is good for only about 10 years. Our metal roofs last for a lifetime. While a metal roof has a higher upfront cost, it lasts for generations. This relieves the financial burden of the next generation and opens up finances for other ministry outreaches.
  2. Maintenance. A lifetime metal roof from Schroer & Sons is maintenance free. After installation is completed, there is no reason to ever have to care for it again. It is a self-cleaning, secure, and lasting solution. Our custom, interlocking panels ensure your church roof will hold up to even the strongest winds.
  3. Aesthetics. Another reason to choose a metal roof from Schroer & Sons for your church is they are just beautiful. Take a moment and browse the gallery below. We offer a variety of color options and styles to compliment the look of any church.
  4. Discount. At Schroer & Sons, churches and places of worship qualify for a special, unadvertised discount on material.
  5. Christian Company. Schroer & Sons is a Christian company committed to God-honoring business practices.
  6. Environmentally friendly. The metal we use is made from post-consumer, recycled aluminum. Most often, we install right over your existing roofing material, reducing harmful and unnecessary waste.
  7. American made.  Every part of your church’s roof is made in America, right here in Ohio.